By now, it is pretty obvious that I love shoes. But this year I am very much in control of my shopping. So far I …
Shoe party!

Food, fashion and well-being
By now, it is pretty obvious that I love shoes. But this year I am very much in control of my shopping. So far I …
A few things I got last weekend. || Algumas coisas que eu comprei fim de semana passado. I’m obsessed with this top and I was …
Anyone who knows me, knows that I only shop twice a year: January and July = sales time. So, here is what I got so …
Last weekend I went to the big city to do a little shopping. Below is the result. / Fim de semana passado eu fui pra …
1. Top with studded shoulders (Blusa com tachas no ombro), Mango 2. Studded leather jacket (Jaqueta de couro com tachas), Zara 3. Bag (Bolsa), Bershka …