I don’t always feel entitled to speak about racism because I know my experience doesn’t reflect the realities of racism. But I thought that this …
The realities of being black: it’s not just about racism

Food, fashion and well-being
I don’t always feel entitled to speak about racism because I know my experience doesn’t reflect the realities of racism. But I thought that this …
This recipe came from me not knowing what to make from dinner and not wanting to put any time or effort into the process. I …
Something I want to work on this year is doing more things that are fun. I’m usually all work and no play, and I’m burned …
This recipe is delicious, nutritious, and super easy to make. It’s a great option for when you’re in a rush, or don’t have a lot …
As a book lover and someone who craves variety in my diet, I’m always getting new cookbooks. And that’s what I asked for Christmas this …
People have many misconceptions about following a plant-based or vegan diet. One of them is that it’s expensive, and it couldn’t be further from the …
Apesar de ter tido mais tempo pra ler esse ano, eu não li muito. Eu costumava ler a caminho do trabalho, então levou um tempo …
Although I had more time to read this year, I didn’t. I used to read during my commute, so it took me a while to …
I completely changed my diet a few years ago, and I lost a lot of weight just by eating right. Unfortunately, I had a few …
2020 wasn’t an easy year for most, but personally, it was a good year. I can’t overstate how grateful I am that although most of …