Something I want to work on this year is doing more things that are fun. I’m usually all work and no play, and I’m burned out more often than not. Here are some of the things that are helping me step away from work and life and just relax.

Schitt’s Creek Colouring book

I got this colouring book for Christmas, and I love it! What better way to relax and keep my mind clear than to colour David and Moira Rose? Bonus points – I get to organize the coloured pencils after I’m done (no, it’s not sarcasm, organization is my hobby)!

Instax Mini 90

I got a Mini 11 for my birthday, but I had a hard time taking photos of objects indoors – everything was either out of focus or overexposed, so I wanted a camera that gave me a bit more control. And the Instax Mini 90 was just what I needed. I can control the flash, it has macro and double exposure, and I love the analog vibe.


One of my 2020 new year’s resolutions was to learn how to code. I took a class early in 2020, but I forgot about it until I realized I had two weeks off at the end of the year, and I needed something to do since I couldn’t leave the house. So I decided to redesign and develop my website. Why not? And although it took me a few days to wrap my head around it, I was able to put together something that looks great and works (and it should be live soon)! It’s not always relaxing, but I’m still very proud of this one!


I started meditating a few years ago, but I have a lot of trouble focusing. Last summer, I started using Headspace for guided meditations, and it has helped me a lot. From difficult situations to just being in a balanced mental space, the app has helped me throughout this pandemic, and this is a habit I’ll keep for the future.

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