Como um homem muito esperto do Mötley Crüe um dia disse: I’m on my way. Home Sweet Home. O que significa que eu perdi o …
Shopping Trends – Peplum
1. Peplum top (Blusa com peplum), Mango 2. Peplum dress (Vestido com peplum), Bershka 3. Peplum skirt with faux leather (Saia com peplum e couro …
Colorama Forma em Cor + Impala Celebrate
Eu sempre gostei de esmaltes e de pintar minhas unhas de fora do comum, mas só esse ano que eu realmente comecei a gostar de …
Shopping Trends – Galaxy Print
1. Galactic Horse Print Skirt (Saia com estampa galática de cavalos), Hearts & Bows 2. Galaxy Print Cut Off Denim Shorts (Short com estampa galática), …
Small is Beautiful!
Louis Vuitton presents “Small is Beautiful!”
Girls about town, take note: small is the new big. Tired of toting your entire life around in a humongous holdall? Then it’s time to downsize and minimize. Get ready to experience an unbelievable lightness of being…
Featuring Elin Kling, Hanneli Mustaparta and Miroslava Duma.
Top 10 Prints SS2013
Here are my 10 favorite prints from SS2013! All images by and — Aqui estão as minhas estampas preferidas dos desfiles SS2013! Todas …
Top 20 shoes SS2013
It’s time to pick my 20 favorite shoes (well, it´s actually 20 designers and it was initially 10, so…yeah…). Here they are! All images by …
Top 10 dresses SS2013
I know it’s been a long time since fashion week, but I decided to pick a few of my favorites thing on the runway. The …
Wedding dress
I was never one to dream about a big wedding or a beautiful white dress. No. My dream wedding is me, the crazy guy who …
House of Gold & Bones – Part 1 + Koi No Yokan
When I was 12 years old and all my life was ahead of me, knowing that a new CD was coming out would make me …